Riko’s PDA journey.

Hi and welcome to Riko’s PDA journey. My name is Riko Ryuki and I have an invisible disability called Pathological Demand Avoidance. It is a sub-type of Autism.

On this site I write about PDA and how it affects me, what PDA is and how it affects others, including children. There are helpful tips and advice. I also explore other disabilities including Autism, sensory processing, auditory processing, anxiety and many more. There’s also a 30 blogging challenge which I undertook in order to get used to blogging and the way this site runs.

Feel free to browse at your own pace and please leave feedback if you wish (and if your demand avoidance isn’t too high).

You can follow me on Facebook at Riko’s PDA Page

YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/rikoryuki

If you’d like to send me email you can at dragonriko@hotmail.co.uk

Copyright © 2015 Riko